Biography | Q & A |
Where do you work?
In my home studio which is attached to the house. It used to be our garage, but we converted it into a work room with big skylights that let in wonderful light, even on a rainy day.
When did you start drawing?
As soon as I could hold a crayon - age two maybe. I have always loved to draw. There is something amazing about drawing someone, a thing or a place and watching it become “real” right there in front of you.
Where do you get your ideas?
I have always been an observer. I enjoy studying people, places and animals and I think up ideas everywhere, all the time. (Some good, some not so good!) The key for me is to be receptive to an idea when it floats into my mind and write it down. My biggest challenge has been having too many ideas and needing to organize my thoughts enough to focus on and develop one at a time!
What medium do you use for your illustrations?
I use acrylic paints on 4-ply Strathmore Bristol paper that has been primed with several thin coats of gesso. I can relax with acrylics - I start painting loosely, then refine and refine. Acrylics dry quickly so I can keep going over and over things until everything works. For my black and white educational illustrations, I use an HB mechanical pencil on 1-ply Strathmore Bristol paper with black gouache washes for gray tones. I also use pen and ink with watercolor sometimes.
What do you do in your free time?
I enjoy plein air and studio painting, swimming, cooking for friends, watching movies, reading, traveling and of course, spending time in the children’s sections of book stores and libraries!